Other Areas

Corporate and Commercial Laws

Setting up of business houses requires a wide spectrum of legal compliances right from its incorporation which involves Incorporation of Companies / LLPs, Registration of Partnerships, Investments, Contracts, Regulatory compliances, Intellectual Property protection, Taxation, Employment and other allied legal compliances which need expert legal advisers in these areas. It also requires an expert legal professionals in litigation to represent corporates and other legal entities to resolve complex commercial and corporate law disputes arising out due to complex situations and transactions.  

We have deep expertise in these niche areas handling various corporate clients and other legal entities and are providing a wide range of services to Companies, partnerships, LLPs, Trusts & other joint ventures for several years. Our firm provides dedicated service in corporate and commercial law litigations and matters under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy code fought before the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT). 

Constitutional and Administrative Laws

The Constitution of India guarantees to all its citizens fundamental rights and imposes certain fundamental duties upon the Government and issues certain directive principles of state policy protecting individuals from arbitrary, unreasonable, whimsical and unlawful actions caused by administrative authorities and provides a solemn duty upon the Courts to guard the Constitution as sentinel qui vive. This mandates the filing of writ petitions, challenging administrative orders both before the High Court and Supreme Court of India, under the constitution of India calling for judicial review of administrative actions.
We have represented several individuals and have filed several writ petitions before the Supreme Court of India and High Courts seeking writ remedies against wrongful administrative decisions and actions. We are conscious about public interest issues and we also assist our clients in filing Public Interest Litigations (PILs) before the Supreme Court of India and High Courts.

Intellectual property Law

Intellectual Property law deals with laws to protect and enforce the rights of creators and owners of creations, inventions in the fields of technology, music, art, design, marks, and other novel works. There are several areas of intellectual property such as copyrights, trademark, patent, design, trade secrets etc,. The protection of the intellectual property has now gained significant prominence due to increase in commercialization of intellectual property. 

We have handled several intellectual property related disputes such as trade mark infringement, passing off, copyright infringement etc,. We advise our clients on various aspects relating to intellectual property law and draft IP related contracts, NDA’s etc.

Land and Property Laws

We handle a wide spectrum of disputes relating to transfer of property, partitions, easements & licenses, encroachments, eminent domain etc., and have resolved several such complex litigations. We provide end-to-end legal services (from title verification to registration of property), facilitate smooth completion of real estate transactions and draft agreements of various kinds relating to real estate transactions.